Where to find my key for snagit license in registry
Where to find my key for snagit license in registry

where to find my key for snagit license in registry

  • The TYPE must either be PATH (to exclude folders), FILE (to exclude specific files), or REG (to exclude Registry entries).
  • where to find my key for snagit license in registry

    You can add as many entries as you need as long as the numbers don't repeat (for example, ExcludeKey1, ExcludeKey2, and so on). The format the ExcludeKey string uses for INI files:ĮxcludeKeyX = || You can exclude files, folders, and Registry keys using entries (in INI) when you operate CCleaner using the ExcludeKey command. Note: The contents of this page are aimed at advanced users of our app and may require a certain level of technical knowledge and expertise. The format the ExcludeKey string uses for INI files.

    where to find my key for snagit license in registry

    Here is the full list of the topics covered: If you're not familiar with coding, this page may not be suitable for you. This page explains how you can exclude any of these three items using ExcludeKey commands in INI files and goes into some technical information on this topic, including coding. Excluding files, folders, and Registry keys from cleaning:

    Where to find my key for snagit license in registry